Physical Inventory

1.  Start eXtremePOS and select Tools -> Physical Inventory -> Desktop from the login screen to enter the Physical Inventory screen.

2.  Select the department(s) you want to inventory. To inventory your entire store, select "All" from the Department list box. To select multiple departments, hold down the "Control" key and click each department you want to select.

Note: While taking Physical Inventory, ExtremePOS will only recognize and count items in the selected departments.
Click the OK button. This will create a Physical Inventory database

IMPORTANT: You will need to COMPLETE inventory in the selected departments before you update quantities to your store database. At that point, you will be able to go back and select other
department(s) to inventory.

3. You should select "Continue Counting" to bring up the Count screen and begin taking inventory. Select "View Depts" if you want to see a list of departments currently being inventoried.

4. Collect inventory from the Count Screen
    In order to count an item:
    1. Enter the quantity in the Quantity box
    2. Indicate whether this is a new or used item by selecting the appropriate option button.
   3. Scan the item OR type in the item number and hit OK Information about the item including expected and actual quantities for new and used will be shown in the "Last Item Scanned" box. When you have completed taking inventory, exit the Count screen by selecting "Done".

5. View Discrepancy Report
Select View or Print inventory discrepancy report to see all differences between expected and actual quantities, and value of any lost inventory.
Note: When quantities are updated, the final discrepancy report will be automatically saved to your store data directory under Backup\Reports. The filename will be based on the date and time the report was created. The program will inform you of the location and filename that the final report is saved to.

6. Update Quantities
Selecting "Update Inventory" will overwrite the quantities in your store database with the counted quantities in your physical inventory database. Update should not be performed until you have COMPLETELY inventoried the departments you have selected. Quantities will be updated ONLY for the departments which you have inventoried during this session. It is recommended that you view the discrepancy report one last time before updating quantities to verify that you are ready to perform the
update. When the update is performed, it CANNOT be undone. If you find you need to adjust the quantities after you have already performed the update, you will need to do this at the inventory
maintenance screen.

If you wish for any reason to discard the inventory taken thus far, select "Clear Physical Inventory Count". This will delete the quantities and allow you to restart inventory from scratch. This is
primarily helpful if you are experimenting with the software rather than actually taking inventory. Be aware that once you select "Clear Physical Inventory Count", it CANNOT be undone.