Creating a scheduled backup

From the server computer:

Go to control panel
Administrative Tools
Task Scheduler
Along the left hand side click on "Task Scheduler Library"
Under actions, click "Create Basic Task..."
Make the name something you will remember, such as escbackup
Under trigger, select "daily" and select a time that the computer will be on
For actions, select "Start a Program"
In program/script, type OSQL
In arguments, things are a little bit more complex but essentially take the form:
-E -S\extremepos -Q "backup database esc_v20 to disk = 'F:\ESCDailyBackup.bak' with init"

The server instance, which is the portion after the S, will be\extremepos for the majority of users, but some users may have a slightly different configuration
The part immediately after the equals sign is the full path and file name you want to make the backup to, inside of single quotes.
You should run the task, and verify that the backup is correctly made.